unhappy sad child looking through wood slats of play equipment
Image: Tadeusz Lakota via Unsplash

Letter: Urgent call for attention on primary school closures and children’s emotional well-being

OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Aviv Goode, Wroxall. Ed

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the proposed closure of five primary schools, a decision that could have devastating consequences for a vulnerable group of children.

This cohort of children spent their early childhood during the pandemic lockdowns. While other children enjoyed crucial social interactions in toddler groups, reception classes, and playgrounds, these children were isolated and deprived of vital developmental opportunities. The long-term effects of this social deprivation are still unfolding, but anecdotal evidence from parents and teachers suggests significant impacts on attachment, mental health, and social skills.

Closures threaten to undermine personalised education and family support
While I commend Wroxall Primary School for their tireless efforts to address these challenges through personalised education and family support, the proposed closures threaten to undermine this progress.

These children face further disruption, potentially losing crucial attachments with staff and friends, along with familiar routines and support structures.

A rise in home educators
Some of the named schools have conducted parental surveys and have found that many parents will home educate, should the schools be closed.

While home education works for some, it can be detrimental to others.

Early childhood development
We must remember the critical importance of early childhood development. These formative years shape neural pathways that influence the rest of our lives. What are the long-term consequences of extended isolation, under-stimulation and disruption for these children?

The young, malleable mind will adapt to this by learning that the people around you that make you feel safe and welcomed might be pulled away from you in an instance. You will then learn from this that attachments do not matter, that a sense of safety is only ever temporary.

Severing established attachments could lead to increased anxiety, difficulties in forming relationships, and even increased risk-taking behaviours.

What kind of future generation is this decision shaping?
I urge the Cabinet to reconsider this decision and ask themselves: What kind of future generation is this decision shaping?

Furthermore, I was deeply troubled by Councillor Bacon’s response at Wednesday’s Full Council meeting, where he confirmed there was no assurance that such disruptions wouldn’t happen again to these very children. This lack of guarantee is simply unacceptable.

I implore the Cabinet to give these children special consideration.