Liam Madden’s Film Review: The Final Destination

If you fancy a night in watching a DVD, then take a look at the selection available at Island Libraries. At just £1 per night, they’re a great bargain. Ed

Liam Madden's Film Review: Final DestinationThe tested format laid out quite clearly in the first movie entitled ‘Final Destination’, managed to be surprisingly deep. With the angle of premonition and therefore attempting to avoid the grand inevitable, (perhaps of a somewhat violent nature), without much success for the characters involved, demonstrated a winning formula.

Using a definite article of ‘The’ in the title is at least hopeful indication that in some way this could be a final full stop to a format that only just made it to the credits in the first movie.

However, to view this curious DVD of splatter movie gore as a case study on America seriously would be missing the point, if only because it is quite a riot, as long as it ends the format now.

Yet there would be little surprise for anyone unless they have not seen the other movies in the series, with the exception that unlike”¦er, no”¦hang about, it’s just dawned on me. This is the same movie again! Great galloping Gods!

Well, I’ll be a drinker of Earl Grey with goat’s milk and the miniscule scent of cinnamon and oregano in my fine beard. Could it be that Mr. Ellis has directed a movie that exactly the same things happen to characters as in the other movies with this title, in almost exactly the same way?

Hang about a crafty parsec here. Perhaps if I watch this movie upside down”¦no, that’s not it but if I hurl small tomatoes at the screen as the movie is playing, they could have an affect on the outcome of the plot. Damn!

It would seem that the DVD is protected, by some invisible force of fruit-repelling protection and even advocados and peaches slide and bounce off. Fiendish.

Spookily enough though, if you throw any form of currency from Earth at the screen while this DVD is playing it quite simply sticks and absolutely cannot be removed, sadly obscuring what depth of story there might well have been. So, causing the television to be mysteriously and magnetically engulfed in money. Weird.

See Liam’s other film reviews