Library Literary Launch This Friday

Thanks to Richard for news of this Literary Launch on Friday, in his own words.

Postcard of Shanklin Old VillageShanklin Community Library in Victoria Avenue, are hosting a Jubilee exhibition of designs created by pupils from Shanklin Church of England Primary School, alongside the launch of a ‘Shanklin Old Village History Trail’ book written by local author and Old Village resident Kirstie Jeffery.

Historical commentary
The book provides a written historical commentary to local shops, characters and events in and around the Old Village, and links with a walk which lasts up to 90 minutes.

Kirstie will be joined at the launch by Town Mayor Steve Knight, Library Co-ordinator Maria Darbon, and other volunteers involved in the project.

Kirstie said, “I have spent a couple of years researching this book, and have met countless characters that have given anecdotes and background for the book, and I’d like to thank June Elford, Ann Springman, Geoff Allan, Patrick Gallagher and Richard Priest for their help making my dream a reality.”

Available locally
Copies of the 48 page book are available at shops in the Old Village, in the Library and other locations in the Town.

Richard Priest added, “The booklet is part of the Jubilee celebrations, and includes references to some of the Royal links that the Old Village has had over the years.”

Kirstie concluded, “Shanklin is a very special place for me, and I hope that the book does justice to the rich history of the Old Village and captures this unique community over the years.”

Friday 25th May 2012, at 10am, Shanklin Community Library, Victoria Avenue

Image: © Used with the kind permission of Isle of Wight Historical Postcards

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