Lifeboat Lotto Will Be A Lifeline For Rescue Volunteers Who Need Your Help

News in of a great new scheme that enables you to help the Inshore Rescue teams, read on for more from John Hemmingway. Ed

Independent lifeboat teamsIndependent lifeboat crews on the Isle of Wight are launching a new Lifeboat Lotto to raise desperately needed cash to keep their vital rescue service afloat.

The Island Independent Lifeboat Lotto will be a welcome fundraising lifeline for the volunteers and a way for donors to enjoy the chance of winning a cash prize of up to £5000.

Few people realise that a quarter of all UK Lifeboats are independents who don’t receive any funding from the RNLI or any other grant aid.

Independent crews carry out twice RNLI missions
In the Solent, Britain’s busiest maritime area, independent crews carry out nearly twice as many rescue missions as those claimed by the RNLI.

Island crews based at Ryde, Sandown and Freshwater provide and finance their essential service themselves and that means they need to raise up to £40,000 a year just to meet basic operational running costs.

The Ryde fundraiser, Michaela White said: “It is astonishing how few people know that so much of our coastal search and rescue is in the hands of independent lifeboats, which are not part of the RNLI and are dependent on public donations.

“We are one of 60 groups operating around the UK. We are on call 24 hours a day and are staffed entirely by volunteers. These unsung heroes are unpaid and if the call-out comes in working hours, they frequently lose wages to rescue others.

“We especially need a new small rescue boat to fit underneath Ryde Pier at high tide. This is very restricted access if we ever need to rescue someone who is trapped underneath the pier. This new boat will cost us £6000 and we have to raise it all ourselves.

“We rely totally on public support and the Island Independent Lifeboat Lotto will give generous islanders a new and easy way to make donations, as well the opportunity to win a £5000 jackpot.

“The bonus with this fund-raising lotto is that the next life we save could be theirs – or someone they love.”

How does Island Independent Lotto work?
Island Independent Lotto is easy – and fun. Entry is only £2 a week and there are no weekly entries to fill in, just pick four numbers between one and 31 and fill them on the application form.

You only need to do this once as your numbers are then registered in the Island Independent Lifeboat Lotto computer and are entered into each weekly draw for as long as you pay.

Pay in advance by cheque or standing order
Paying is easy too, no hands in pockets or purses, payment is made by either cheque for £52 which covers six months entries or by monthly or quarterly Standing Order. No cash changes hands. Nothing could be easier.

Island Independent Lifeboat Lotto is a local weekly lottery, it is not part of a national scheme, and all funds raised will go to the three Isle of Wight independent lifeboats.

Match four numbers and you will win the roll-over jackpot which starts at £500 and increases by £100 a week until a winner is found. If no one matches the numbers drawn, a winner is guaranteed when the jackpot reaches £5000. Match 3 numbers and win a £20 consolation prize.

Winners announced on Website
There is no need to claim, all winners will be paid directly and winning numbers will be published each week on our website.

The first draw takes place on Wednesday 4th May 2011 and weekly thereafter.

The Island Independent Lifeboat Lotto team will be out and about, calling on households to ask for your support, they will be easily recognisable with high visibility jackets and full identification.

You can also sign up for the Lifeboat Lotto by collecting an application form from the Lifeboat Lotto website, following the “Find your local lifeboat” link, choose Island Independent Lifeboats and download the application form. Once completed, there is a Freepost address (no stamp required) to send the form in.