Miss Jo Peters teaching an Art lesson as Cruella with Anya Hill age 16

Literary villains strike at Ryde Academy for World Book Day

Thanks to nat from Ryde Academy for sharing this latest news. Ed

Ryde Academy celebrated World Book day with a villain hunt!

Thirteen members of staff dressed or acted like a famous literary villain, including the Queen of Hearts, Long John Silver, Gollum and the Wicked Witch of the West. Students were then challenged to find them all throughout the day to win points for their Houses.

Other activities included a creative writing competition and creating a classroom door book cover to represent one of the villains. All competitions were linked to obtaining valuable house points.

Mrs Paige Lumpkin, Wicked Witch of the West) with Toby Perkis (age 11) and Louise Perkis (age 12)

The results showed a narrow gap between Monarch house winning 248 points and Emperor house winning 250 points, Brimstone House took second place with 274 points and the winning house was Admiral with a leading win of 326 points.

The Academy was sent a complete collection of Alex Rider books by Accelerated Reader, an online tool for monitoring and managing independent reading and motivating students to read for pleasure, in recognition of their efforts on World Book Day and the Academy’s literacy programme as a whole.

Students and staff had a great day and look forward to celebrating again next year.