Michael Acton Makes Final Stages of Prestigious Writing Competition

If you’ve been following VB over the last four+ years, you’ll know that we love hearing about other people’s successes and are always keen to celebrate local talent.

Local Writer, Michael Acton Makes Final Stages of Writing CompSo we were really chuffed to hear that Ventnor writer (and VB reader), Michael Acton, has made it through to the final stages of a prestigious script writing competition organised by Kaos Film

The news was spotted on the Isle of Wight Film Network Website last Friday by Nigel, who got in touch to let us know.

We contacted Michael to find out more about the news.

Biggest success in thirty years
He’d just got back from the judging in London and was clearly very pleased to have made it through to the final stages. He’s been writing for nearly thirty years and this the biggest success he’s had so far.

Praising the scriptwriter, Kim Upton, Michael told us that she’d done a great job with his work, going on to say that even if he doesn’t get any further, it is such an important competition in the film world that is a real achievement to get this far.

We’ll let you know how Michael gets on in the finals. In the meantime, he’s kept busy writing a war time drama novel called Mist Over Boniface.

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