Lake revetments loos

Locals urged to attend meeting to help keep loos open

Thanks to Eric for sharing details of this public meeting being held on Saturday, 9th April at 11am to be held at the toilet site. Ed

Lake Parish Council have agreed to keep the Lake Slipway Public Toilets open for the next 12 months. However, this is only for basic opening, closing, cleaning and supplies.

If the toilets suffer any vandalism or major breakdowns occur, especially the sewerage maceration and pumping, Lake Parish Council will NOT fund the repairs.

The future of these toilets still depends upon the local community support. The most urgent priority is to ensure the toilets remain open and functional for the full 12 months ahead.

Public meeting this Saturday
We have some ideas to present to the meeting and are after suggestions from the public on ways to secure the future of the toilets.

The public meeting is being held on Saturday 9th April at 11am at the toilet site.

We need voluntary help from people with the following skills

  • admin
  • negotiating
  • grant funding application experience
  • social media campaign management
  • general maintenance skills
  • sewerage pump maintenance skills
  • community interest company experience

Please spread the word and come along if you are able.

If you wish to contact us, please email us via [email protected]