Macnaughton-Howe Arts and Craft Festival Comes To Ventnor …

Wow, this year seems to be flying by, because it only seemed like yesterday that Greenboy was telling us about the Macnaughton-Howe Arts and Craft Festival.

Macnaughton-HoweIf you live within a five mile radius of Salisbury Gardens and feel inspired to enter a piece of work, there’s still time. Get yourself along to Rainbows in Pier Street or 32 South St Ventnor (853843) to pick up an entry form and return it by Tuesday 9th May 2006 with the relevant fees.

The scope of entries has become so wide and includes needlework, embroidery, tapestry, knitting, toy and model-making, handicrafts, decoupage, calligraphy, art, computer art, art of many sorts, photography of all sorts, poetry and the list goes on.

If you just want to admire other people’s work the exhibition runs from Thursday this week (11th May), 1pm to 6pm and then 10am – 5pm on the Friday. The prizegiving will be at 4.30pm.

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