Magistrates court sign outside building

Magistrates given power to sentence for up to one year, in bid to clear Crown Court backlog

Earlier this week it was announced that in an attempt to tackle the backlog of cases waiting to be dealt with by criminal courts, Magistrates in England and Wales would be given more sentencing powers.

An estimated 2,000 extra days of Crown Court time a year could be freed up thanks to the change, according to the The Ministry of Justice.

Jones: These powers will help to get swifter justice for victim
Donna Jones, Police and Crime Commissioner and Chair of the Hampshire and Isle of Local Criminal Justice Board said,

“It’s important that steps are taken to reduce the backlogs and these powers will help to get swifter justice for victims. My local criminal justice partners have been working tirelessly throughout the pandemic to keep cases moving through the courts as the Covid restrictions have meant a reduced number of cases can be heard in our courts.

“I was a magistrate for 16 years so know first-hand the valuable role they play in the justice system. Giving magistrates increased powers will mean many more serious cases such as fraud, theft and assault will be dealt with quicker. This will help to drive down backlogs, bringing offenders to justice quicker which will better support victims.”