Malcolm Winter

Profile: Malcolm Winter: The man behind the paintings

As mentioned last week, a group of Isle of Wight artists will be holding an exhibition in Cowes this coming weekend.

One of those exhibiting is Isle of Wight artist, Malcolm Winter. Suzanne and Alan provide an insight into Malcolm’s life and influences. Ed

Born in London in 1943 Malcolm Winter A G A v A is a talented artist specialising in marine and aviation subjects and coastal scenes.

Malcolm has been painting for as long as he can remember and credits his father for inspiring him. He recalls his dad, who had studied under John Linsey a founder of the Wapping Group of Artists, giving him invaluable tuition in the evening at home, during his formative years.

Diverse career path
In the late 1950s he was an apprentice signwriter for a brewery. As he had always wanted to be a soldier he then joined the 1st Parachute Battalion and saw twelve years service around the world.

After demob his life followed a varied and interesting course. Malcolm has undertaken specialised demolition work and seen duties on oil rigs.

At one stage he was an industrial diamond cutter before forming his own demolition company. Throughout his working life he maintained his interest in painting however and often worked on paintings commissioned by international companies such as Mobil Oil.

St Helens studio
Just after the Millennium he moved to the Isle of Wight with his wife Sharon where he set up a studio in St Helens where he produces all his artwork.

One of his oil paintings ‘Rescue of the Astral’ off Bembridge Ledge raised valuable funds for the RNLI whilst a study of the ‘Solent Queen’ depicts the paddle steamer off Cowes in the 1950s.

Associate of the Guild of Aviation Artists
His aviation related output of subjects such as Spitfires and wartime action are much appreciated. His eye for detail resulted in him being honoured as an Associate of the Guild of Aviation Artists (A G A v A) of which he is rightly proud.

Island venues are often busy when he tutors budding artists to gain important skills in ‘life’ studies.

Don’t miss during Open Studios
Malcolm has exhibited in most of the Island’s well known galleries and now looks forward to a season of his work being on display including the Open Studios event when those who visit his home studio will be able to view the full collection of his work.

Coast Exhibition
To commence the season of shows he has joined with three other Island artists, Chris Gillies, Carol Owen MBE and Sally Pengelly for an exhibition entitled ‘Coast’.

This will run from Friday 2nd May to Monday 5th May from 10 am daily and will be held at Regatta House, Cowes.