Man To Scale Down Spinnaker Tower Today For Ryde Inshore Rescue

Mark Bate of Bate Brand Communications is scaling down the Spinnaker Tower today all for charity.

Mobile phone:He is raising money for Ryde Inshore Rescue and at the moment is sitting at just over the £400 mark.

By the time he gets to the bottom of the tower it is hoped that his total will be over £500, but support is needed of Islanders to get him there.

How you can help
There are two very easy ways to donate; either through his Justgiving page or picking up your mobile phone and texting BATE12 £X (X being the amount you wish to give in £’s) and sending the message to 70070.

The team at Ryde Inshore Rescue wish him the best of luck in his efforts today and hope that the sun stays shining on him as he descends!