Exterior of Medina College

Medina College praised by Ofsted in latest inspection

Ofsted have issued their latest monitoring report for Medina College.

Since opening in 2011, the school has had four full inspections from Ofsted, each returning a rating of ‘Requires Improvement’.

The latest monitoring inspection was carried out in person in July 2021 and having considered the evidence, say,

“I am of the opinion that at this time: Leaders and those responsible for governance are taking effective action in order for the school to become a good school.”

Highlights from report

  • The leadership was praised for carrying out “important work to construct a curriculum that is ambitious”.
  • The work is now helping teachers have a deeper understanding of how to build pupils’ knowledge and understanding over time.
  • Action are being taken to improve pupils’ literacy and reading based on research and pupils’ needs.
  • The school is firmly focused on improving pupils’ behaviour and attitudes. Incidents of low-level disruption have decreased. Pupils now concentrate better in lessons.

Improvements needed
The inspector said the school should take further action to:

  • Ensure curriculum leaders consistently monitor how teachers are implementing the curriculum, so pupils learn and remember more over time
  • Review and further develop provision for pupils’ wider personal development to ensure pupils experience a worthwhile and high-quality programme
  • Fully implement the school’s plans to promote reading, including ensuring that pupils at an early stage of reading get the specific help they need.

For more information visit the Ofsted Website.

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