Swimming pool:

Medina Leisure Centre pool won’t open to public until mid-August

Following earlier delays on the refurbishment at Medina Leisure Centre, this in from the council, in their own words. Ed

Additional works discovered during refurbishment at Medina Leisure Centre in Newport mean the swimming pool will now be opened to the public from Tuesday 13th of August instead of by the end of this month (June).

Although the works to upgrade and re-tile the pool at Medina have been completed on time, extra work is required to finish the wet-side changing rooms. These include roofing works and extra drainage.

However, the council will use this time to also improve water flows into both male and female dry-side changing rooms to overcome some initial problems with shower installations.

Won’t affect Primary School Games
The new public opening of the swimming pool and wet-side changing rooms will not affect the Primary School Games which are due to take place on 13th July at Medina Leisure Centre. The council has arranged for temporary changing facilities for use by competitors taking part in swimming.

The Heights Leisure Centre in Sandown will continue to run an improved pool programme while the swimming pool at Medina remains closed to the public.

Third phases starts 13th September
The third, and final, phase of refurbishment at Medina, which includes upgrading the main foyer, will also not be affected by the delay and will begin on 13th September.

Image: Ajari under CC BY 2.0