Child swimming

More Island kids learning to swim

This in from the council, in their own words. Ed

A direct debit scheme, no wait for starts and online progress monitoring are being credited for a large increase in the number of children taking part in private swimming lessons at Isle of Wight Council leisure centres.

Over 1000 children now have private weekly lessons with a 25 per cent increase since the start of the year. Almost two thirds of parents choose to pay for lessons via direct debit.

Progress tracked using iPods
Interactive technology, which is available poolside using iPods, means the progress of children is tracked every week, and parents can also log on and get the information at home.

Councillor Shirley Smart, Executive member responsible for economy and tourism, said:

“It is important children access regular physical activity to promote a healthy lifestyle.

“The increase in children taking part in private swimming lessons is very encouraging and much of this has been down to the changes made at leisure centres.

“Previously, parents had anything up to a ten week wait for lessons to begin and were required to pay £41 up front. A rolling lessons programme and the direct debit option means that is no longer the case.”

The number of children taking part in lessons does not include those who visit centres with their schools.

Image: jar0d under CC BY 2.0