Vaccination centre at Westridge

Over half of Isle of Wight residents fully vaccinated against Covid-19

More than half of the Isle of Wight is now fully vaccinated against Covid-19.

Figures released today (Thursday) by NHS England have revealed 77,057 people on the Island have had both doses of a Covid vaccine — equating to 52 per cent.

The data, recorded by the National Immunisation Management Service (NIMS), is updated each week, and the latest instalment, with data from 8th December to 30th May, has shown the Island’s vaccine rollout pushed past another milestone before the end of May.

Over 10,000 jabs in last week
In the last week, another 10,814 first and second vaccines were given to Islanders, taking the cumulative number of doses given to 174,767.

The rollout of the first dose seems to be slowing down with only 1,250 given between 24th and 30th May, but 97,710 people have still been vaccinated.

66.2 per cent have had first dose
According to population estimates from NIMS and Public Health England, that means 66.2 per cent of the Island have had their first dose.

Despite issues with some younger age groups being unable to book a vaccine slot on the Island, new data sets have shown 6,877 under 30s, 4,237 30 to 34 and 4,496 35 to 39-year-olds have been vaccinated as the age limit continues to lower.

In the 40 to 44 age range, 76.2 per cent of Islanders have so far had their first dose.

16.6 per cent of under 30s had first dose
While the rollout is reaching younger age groups, with vaccine centres moving through GP patients lists faster than the national rollout is suggesting, now 16.6 per cent of under 30s on the Island have their first dose.

In the week up to 30th May 9,567 more people were vaccinated moving the Island past the halfway point in its fightback against Covid.

While having a vaccine does not stop you from catching the virus, it does reduce the chances of having more serious symptoms.

This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is part of. Read here to find about more about how that scheme works on the Island. Some alterations and additions may have been made by News OnTheWight. Ed