MP Supports Carbon Monoxide Awareness

A competition to highlight the dangers of Carbon Monoxide poisoning is being support by our Island MP, Andrew Turner.

MP Supports Carbon Monoxide AwarenessThe poster competition, organised by charity CO-Gas Safety is open to school children aged between 10 -11 and 16-17 years old.

The winning entry will not only earn the inspirational artist £100 but also an invitation to a special event at the House of Commons.

Not only that, but the winning child’s school will also be able to bank a cheque for £500.

Mr Turner said:
“Many people know of the danger of Carbon monoxide poisoning but do not realise that they could be in danger. Just a small amount of carbon monoxide in your home can cause major problems over time. This gas can be all too deadly and CO-Gas Safety is working hard to ensure that awareness of the problem is raised.

“As well as the poster campaign. CO Gas-Safety is also able to visit schools and talk to pupils about the issue. This is an ideal opportunity for both students and teachers to learn more about the dangers of Carbon monoxide poisoning.”

If you want to take part of know of someone who might be interested, all you have to do is create the poster, photograph it and email in a JPEG format to [email protected] by the 31st July.

Only one entry per person is permitted in each email.

For more information on the competition and the charity please visit the charity’s Website or on 01372 466112.

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