Pass wide and slow horse riders and dog walkers with Joe Robertson
© The Office of Joe Robertson

MP supports local riders at Pass Wide and Slow event

Joe Robertson MP met with those taking part in this year’s Pass Wide and Slow (PWAS) event on Sunday.

Mr Robertson told OnTheWight,

“It was great to join in and support the Island’s Pass Wide and Slow Awareness Ride which started at Cook’s Castle Farm.

“There was a good turnout of horse riders, together with cyclists and walkers, who all came together in the sunshine to help raise awareness and promote understanding of how to use the road safely and courteously alongside horses.”

The MP for Isle of Wight East went on to add,

“As the highway code is advisory and there are currently no specific laws governing the passing of horses on roads, the ride outs serve as a good reminder for all drivers to be mindful of vulnerable road users by leaving at least two metres and keeping under 10 mph while passing.

“I was glad to see a strong support for the ride out, and we were joined by Councillor Rodney Downer and representatives from the Police.”

News shared by the Office of Joe Robertson, in their own words. Ed