Natasha Lambert -

Natasha’s latest incredible challenge almost complete

Thanks to Tracey for this update on Natasha’s latest challenge. Ed

Disabled teenage sailor, Natasha Lambert is due to arrive at St Katherine’s Dock on Monday lunchtime to complete the sailing stage of her latest challenge, known as Capital Venture.

Natasha (17) has cerebral palsy, has little control over her movements and sails only by breathing through a straw which controls an electronic system designed by her dad, Gary.

Two hundred mile sail
After her epic sail of over two hundred miles along the south coast and up the Thames she will swap her adapted 21ft racing yacht for a special walker to undertake a fund raising walk around the square mile of the City of London.

Natasha set off from Cowes on 23 May, sailed to Brighton, Eastbourne, Dover and Queenborough on the Isle of Sheppey.

Up the Thames
On Saturday she braved a cold day to sail up the River Thames to Albert Dock, seeking haven in Gallions Point Marina to wait for the right weather conditions to sail into the City.

Sip and puff sailing
Natasha is undertaking the challenge to raise funds for her own charity, “missisle’s school of sip and puff sailing”, which will give others with a similar disability the chance to enjoy sailing by “sip and puff”, using only their breath to control a sailing boat.

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