Neighbourhood Watch Co-Ordinator Receives Award

Congratulations to Isle of Wight resident, John Pullen, for receiving the recognition from Hampshire Police for his work with the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. Ed

Chief Constable Alex Marshall attended the Hampshire Neighbourhood Watch annual general meeting in Fareham this year and presented the awards to John Pullen from the Isle of Wight for his ongoing commitment to the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.

Sue Gibson, Hampshire Constabulary’s Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator, said, “John has helped to ensure that members and co-ordinators are kept informed and up to date. Neighbourhood Watch on the Isle of Wight is thriving, with clean, well positioned signage and an active membership.

Neighbourhood Watch members are the eyes and ears of Hampshire Constabulary in local communities and provide valuable assistance with crime prevention and getting messages out to the community.

Hampshire Constabulary’s Safer Neighbourhood Teams can be contacted for help in setting up or revitalising schemes. Find your local team by visiting and putting in your postcode, or call 101 to speak to your local team.