Jeremy Butcher - Yarmouth Deputy Harbour Master:

New Deputy Harbour Master for Yarmouth

This in on behalf of Yarmouth Harbour. Ed

Jeremy, who has over 30 years’ experience in law enforcement, is more than suited for the role which involves an array of responsibilities, ranging from compliance with the Port Marine Safety Code, collections of mooring fees and harbour dues, enforcing General Directions, completing appraisal systems, health and safety, and the general running of the harbour.

Jeremy, who has worked at the harbour now for two seasons, is a commercially endorsed RYA Yachtmaster (Sail) and Advanced Powerboat Instructor. He has been teaching for over 15 years and has built up a good local knowledge.

Jeremy states

“The safety of harbour users is obviously a priority, but customer service is something I care passionately about. I want to work more closely with the local community and businesses to improve our visitor numbers and bring more business to the town, not just in the summer but throughout the year.”

For more information about the harbour or to get in touch visit our Website