traffic wardens ticketing cars parked in restricted areas

New parking restrictions in Upper Ventnor and Wroxall lead to surprise fines for locals

Residents on roads where new parking restrictions came into effect this week say they did not receive any prior notice.

Following the closure of Leeson Road, in order to aid the traffic flow through Upper Ventnor and Wroxall, Island Roads started placing road cones on Ocean View Road and Newport Road in Ventnor, as well as Clarence Road and St John’s Road in Wroxall on Sunday night.

Residents posted on social media to alert others to the new parking restrictions — details of which were released to the press on Monday afternoon — long after some car owners had already received parking tickets.

Notified by letter?
One resident explained that her neighbour had called Island Roads/IWC when they spotted the cones being placed along the road on Sunday and was told that residents had been informed by letter.

Several residents on Newport Road in Ventnor say they did not receive any prior warning of the parking restrictions.

More tickets issued today
This afternoon (Tuesday) civil enforcement officers were out on the routes again, issuing penalty notices to cars parked in the newly restricted bays.

OnTheWight has asked Island Roads about the letters that were supposedly sent to residents, but at time of publishing, they had failed to respond.