New Ventnor St Francis School Plans Released

Today, the proposal to redevelop Ventnor County Middle school to make way for the new St Francis school buildings were made public on the IWC planning site.

St Francis, Ventnor - How it will beThe changes proposed are to demolish part of the school (as shown in fig…) in order to make way for more students attending the school due to the closure of schools this year.

Alterations to the soft-landscaping will also be made for pedestrian access, as well as hard-landscaping for vehicular access (more details can be seen on the Website).

Environmentally wise, trees and hedges will be removed but a tree protection plan is supported.

Application for planning permission
At this stage planning permission is yet to be decided but if you keep an eye on the planning page you’ll be able to see all the intended changes in detail with the plans to support them.

The end result will look something like fig.3 if they go ahead as planned and as you can see, a significant amount will be demolished including the building with numerous floors, to make way for what looks like a courtyard and a more compact building with no stairs built around where the tallest building was.

In addition, the building has been pushed further away from the nearby houses which looks aimed at reducing the potential for noise complaints by the households.

St Francis, Ventnor - How it is

St Francis, Ventnor - Old in red with new in white

St Francis, Ventnor - How it will be

St Francis, Ventnor - Plan