Lifeboat cheque presentation by the SeaGels choir and Newchurch male voice choir

Newchurch Male Voice Choir and Sea Gels Shanty Band fundraise for local lifeboat

A joint concert by the Newchurch Male Voice Choir and the Sea Gels Shanty Band enabled £500 to be donated to the Sandown and Shanklin Independent Lifeboat.

Members of the Choir and the Shanty Band presented a cheque to Kirren Shaw, Trainee coxswain of the Lifeboat.

Bob Cooper for the choir said,

“To be able to bring the pleasure of such a variety of songs, many relating to the sea, to a very appreciative audience and then donate £500 for the Lifeboat, continues to show the value of singing and music in the well being of our health and the community.”

News shared by Bob on behalf of Newchurch Male Voice Choir. Ed