18 birthday candles

News OnTheWight celebrates its 18th birthday

Today, Thursday 28th September 2023, is News OnTheWight’s 18th anniversary.

The weather is a little warmer today than it was 18 years ago, when we decided to start, what was then called Ventnor Blog, with a post about the Bomb Disposal Unit detonating a mine in Ventnor Haven.

The memory of standing in the bitterly cold wind with a video camera in hand (it was before smart phones) waiting to capture the explosion is just as vivid today. It was a thrill later that day to see the footage being used on BBC South Today, crediting VB at the start of its journey.

Championing the arts
That was the beginning, from where we went on to focus on championing the arts, sharing news of exhibitions, gigs and opportunities.

Before long readers were asking for us to share stories about planning applications, and for council meetings and elections to be covered.

Then in 2009, when the then-Conservative administration at Isle of Wight council announced they would change the school structure from three tiers to two, our exposure across the Island grew.

Reporting with Integrity
What drives us is reporting the news with integrity, compassion and a consideration of those who might be impacted by it, which means we don’t chase the emergency services in the hope of grabbing photographs of those in distress, or publish stories designed as clickbait.

We always strive to present all sides of a situation we’re reporting on, double-sourcing story leads when needed. The team here is proud that this has led News OnTheWight to be the only news outlet on the Island to have been awarded 100/100 by NewsGuard, attaining High Credibility.

We always try to innovate where we can – for example, News OnTheWight was the first news source on the Island to report live from council meetings (2007), long before Facebook live videos became popular (now a faded memory!)

Behind the scenes lots goes on to help ensure readers have the best possible experience and it was great to receive so much positive feedback after going through the redesign of the site.

There are more positive changes to come – keep your eyes peeled for those over the coming weeks and months.

Long-time supporters and readers
Looking back at that first article, it’s encouraging to see the names of readers who have been commenting on the site for 18 years.

It’s also fantastic to have the financial support of Islanders, who tell us they appreciate our approach to journalism. They, along with our advertisers mean that we can continue.

Thank you for your continued support – it means a lot.