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NHS seeks feedback to enhance inclusivity in menstrual and menopausal healthcare: Have your say

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NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight wants to understand how periods and the menopause impact people’s lives and work.

They have launched a questionnaire aimed at individuals aged 16 and over who have periods or have had periods.

Aiming to improve health services
The findings from this questionnaire will help make it easier for people to find the information, support, and health services they need.

It will also contribute to improving health services in the region.

NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight particularly wants to hear from people who feel that health services are not geared towards them at present.

Inclusive approach
While the survey refers to “women” and “women’s health” to reflect the language used in the national Women’s Health Strategy, NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight recognises that some people who do not identify as women also require access to these services.

This includes people who are transgender, gender fluid, intersex, non-binary, or who have variations in sex characteristics. They aim to make services accessible, inclusive, and sensitive to the unique and specific health needs of local people.

Everyone should feel safe accessing these services to support their health and wellbeing, free from stigma or discrimination, regardless of the sex they were registered at birth or their gender identity.

Questionnaire details
The survey consists of a maximum of 23 questions over six pages, including some questions about you. It will take around 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

All questions are optional, but you are encouraged to fill in as much as possible to help NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight gain a better understanding of your experiences.

There are specific questions about the menopause, which you can choose to skip if they do not apply to you.

Deadline and results
The questionnaire will close at midnight on 6th October 2024.

They will post the findings on the “Your Voice, Your Health” website by the end of November 2024.

By participating, you can help improve health services and make them more accessible and inclusive