The taster weekend gave an insight into what's involved to gain the full qualification. Four leaders, will be returning next year to do the Girlguiding Narrow Boat Scheme
The workshops with teenagers addressed some of the risks they may face in their communities and to have the confidence and ability to make good choices and withdraw from damaging situations
Register for the event taking place this Saturday to cast your vote and help decide how £20,000 is shared among 15 projects applying to help make a difference
The nine-year-old has already raised money for Cats Protection by walking a marathon over five days, this year she's going to cycle the distance in just one day
Swimming has been declining nationally (and locally) for a variety of reasons so it's never been more important for children to learn to be safe around water
School leaders say the piecemeal approach taken by recent Isle of Wight Council administrations to address over-provision has been too slow and too limited