Niton Skatepark meeting report

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boni face, has reported to the VentnorBlog forum about the meeting last night at Niton about the concerns on many sides about the skatepark. While we really regret not being able to get down there, it’s great to see such a balanced report coming from one of VentnorBlog readers/contributors.

good on everyone who turned up to lend support and put across ideas:

The guys living down allotment road, that backs onto the rec, have had a really raw deal with trouble. it doesn’t appear to be locals at all but their view was that the skate ramp attracts people outside the village that turn up and cause damage and noise during the day and late at night (we’re talking fires, smashed bottles, vandalism, driving cars and bikes on the skate ramps … the list goes on). understandably they have had enough and feel that if the ramp is removed and they get pc plod on the scene they’ll move on elsewhere …

the trouble is whilst this would work short term it would deprive all the guys that have worked hard to build and maintain the skate ramp … and gives them nowhere to skate other than the roads … plus it simply moves the real trouble makers onto to some other poor innocent village ….

the answer isn’t easy and is certainly not going to happen overnight …

some good views that were put across suggested we all try to communicate more with each other – build bridges – perhaps organise a few free bbq’s up the rec – show a bit of love (and there’s plenty of that in niton) – show respect for one another- even invite the ‘outsiders’ along … and by building a loving community this will have a knock on effect in general…

like i say it won’t happen overnight and it will require a lot of effort on all sides.

the skate ramp won’t be taken down for the time being – but we’ve all got to pull together on this one – because if things don’t start improving, councillors are going to be swayed towards the short term solutions and we’ll be in danger of losing the ramp….
