No Card Payments Through IWC Help Centres On 8 June

This in from the council, in their own words. Ed

credit card:Due to essential maintenance, over-the-counter card payments at council help centres or telephone payments made to the call centre at Westridge will not be available on Friday 8 June.

Anyone wishing to pay a council bill such as a fixed penalty notice or council tax can still do so via the local authority website,, or using the automated telephone payment line which can be accessed by calling 0207 138 1970.

Set up account for online payment
Anyone using these methods should have their reference number found on the bill available. For online payments, anyone who does not already have a log-in will be required to set up an account.

The registrar’s service will also not be able to take card payments on the day but will accept cash payments.

The council apologises for any inconvenience caused.

Image: Wonderlane under CC BY 2.0