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Ofsted inspections cause ‘unmanageable stress’ for school leaders, says National Education Union

Following the tragic death of a Reading Head Teacher, whose family say she was under “intolerable pressure” ahead of an Ofsted inspection, several unions have called for Ofsted inspections to be halted.

Commenting on Ofsted and school leader well-being, Peter Shreeve, Assistant District Secretary of the National Education Union, said,

“It’s difficult to explain the raised anxiety, when Ofsted announces its visit in two days time. Those working in education understand. They fear a downgrading or a negative outcome, which can affect them or their school for years.  

“I recall the whole Island education reorganisation, when one high school merged with its feeder middle schools. Before merging these schools were all a minimum good with outstanding features. Immediately after this changed to ‘requires improvement’. So it remained for many years, as many pupils, parents, support staff and teachers opted to go elsewhere. Meanwhile, there was a rapid carousel of changing headteachers, sometimes staying only a few months.

“This was and is not the way to treat pupils, parents or staff or their leaders.”

Shreeve: Ofsted should pause all its inspections
Mr Shreeve went on to say,

“Who can disagree with Dr Mary Bousted, Joint General Secretary of the NEU, who said this week: ‘Given recent events and widespread concerns about leaders’ wellbeing, it’s the height of insensitivity for Ofsted to be going into schools or colleges this week.’

“It’s surely common sense, that Ofsted should pause all its inspections and reflect upon the unmanageable and counter -productive stress they cause for school leaders, and the impact on leaders. This stress is well- documented in literature about Ofsted.”

He added,

“Those working in a school are expected to show support and empathy at all times to their pupils, their families and their colleagues. The same expectation should fall upon Ofsted.

“We believe inspections should be paused. Indeed, the NEU has been campaigning for Ofsted to be replaced. This week a petition to replace Ofsted will be delivered to the DFE with over 40,000 signatures from across the profession.

“It’s time we urgently prioritise the welfare and wellbeing of the leaders and staff working so hard with children and young people on the island. We need a system which is supportive, effective and fair and one which genuinely encourages educational progress.’’

Source: BBC

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