Ryde Theatre

Open Letter: Ryde Town Hall Trust seeks support for restoration of historic community building

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Zoe Barker on behalf of the Ryde Town Hall Trust, shares this open this Open Letter to residents, stakeholders, press and grant funders. Ed

We can all see that Ryde Town Hall and Theatre is in a parlous state. The recently published Conservation Management Plan & Condition Report commissioned by Ryde Town Council, has brought into sharp focus the increasingly rapid deterioration of the building, the lack of security (highlighted by a number of recent break-ins) and the urgent need for strong, reliable stewardship of the building.

Facilitated by Ryde Town Council, the Ryde Town Hall Trust (RTHT) was registered in May 2023 with the aim of securing ownership of Ryde Town Hall and returning it to public use.

A challenging start
A number of factors made for a challenging start for the Ryde Town Hall Trust. The most notable of these challenges came in April 2024 when two of its Trustees chose to establish a limited company (a ‘CIC’) as a vehicle for their own ambitions for the Town Hall.

This company presented direct competition to the Ryde Town Hall Trust on which they were already serving. After queries were raised about a conflict of interest, they resigned from the Trust in June 2024.

Four new Trustees
The Trust now has a strengthened Board with four new Trustees who share the passion and determination to see this community building returned to public use.

The Trust is continuing to identify further Trustees with the specialist skills and knowledge required for a project of this scale.

Renewed determination to ‘see right’ by this building
With a renewed collective determination to ‘see right’ by this beloved but much-neglected building, our keystones are transparency, collaboration and good governance.

We enjoy the confidence of national funders and the support of local Councillors and the Friends of Ryde Town Hall.

Call for support
As a fully-fledged charity with a community-minded and growing, knowledgeable Board, RTHT calls on Ryde Town Council, the Ryde Town Board, national grant funders and the local community to support our efforts – together we will work to secure the vision, planning, funding and restoration of this vital community asset.

The Ryde Town Hall Trust
The Ryde Town Hall Trust consists of Simon Cooke (Chair), Zoe Barker, Anmarie Bowler, Dominic Minghella, Joe Plumb and Steve Porter.

It was established as a Charity (No.1203172), on 22 May 2023.

Donations may be made via Unity Bank:

  • Name: Ryde Town Hall Trust
  • Sort code: 60-83-01
  • Account: 20513276

Gift Aid details to follow.

Conservation Management Plan
You can read all the documents from the Conservation Management Plan below. Or follow the links in the titles to download.

Conservation Management Plan

Condition Report

Maintenance Plan

Access Audit