Isle of Wight Opinion Pieces
OnTheWight is run on journalistic principles of honesty, transparency and balance. Every so often, there will be a subject or issue that the editors or contributors wish to share that reflects their personal opinion.
These Isle of Wight opinion pieces will be clearly marked as such. We believe their inclusion adds to the diversity of content available to readers.
·3 min read
Several issues have arisen over the last year relating to the proposals to change from three tier to two tier education.
·1 min read
As the Isle of Wight switches to Wightfibre, the company have a growing power (and responsibility) over Islanders' ability to communicate
·1 min read
If it's accepted, Susan Scoccia will be in for a whacking allowance increase.
·6 min read
Jonathan returns with his Sunday column and this week shares some of the habits that please him. We all have them, but perhaps don't realise how much joy they bring us. Read on to see if you share any with him.
·8 min read
Jonathan Dodd returns with his Sunday column and this week explores sociability and maturity and why they set some people apart from others. As always, an interesting Sunday read.
·4 min read
Jonathan shares his guilty pleasures with OnTheWight readers. A great read as always.
·4 min read
Jonathan Dodd returns with his Sunday column. He's been having some work done on his home, which has thrown up a few issues that many of us can probably relate to.
·3 min read
There's a lot to consider for the Isle of Wight Rural Broadband project. It's not clear if there's enough information been made available to make a decision.
·2 min read
Daft Old Duffer shares his observations on how the interaction between male and female teenagers has changed.
·1 min read
Writer Bethan Stritton talks to scriptwriter Bede Blake about his life and work