Cllr Susan Scoccia Council Allowance Set To Triple (Updated)

There’s a full council meeting at the Isle of Wight Council tonight and for once we’re not covering it live.

Susan ScocciaOne of the subjects under discussion is the Special Responsibility Allowances (SRA) that are paid to county councillors if they chair some of the committees. The SRA is paid on top of the Basic Allowance of £7,903 that all councillors receive.

If the vote goes in favour of the proposal Ventnor’s own fragrant member for the Ventnor West, Cllr Susan Scoccia, will be a few quid better off. Bundles of it in fact.

She is currently the chair of the Licensing and General Purposes Committee. It’s proposed that her yearly allowance rocket from £1,977 per year to £6,322. An eye-watering multiple of over 316%!

Not only that, but the proposal is that it’s back dated to 17 June 2009, bringing in around another £3,000.

Nice work if you can get it.

Will it go through?
Pound to a penny that it does.

To date we can only recall only one full council vote where _any_ of the Conservative councillors didn’t vote together as a single block.

Update 12:00 14.Jan: We hear that the Conservatives did vote as a single block.

With that, I guess it’s triples all round at the bar – with Susan picking up the tab.