cesare - big art auction

Over £3,600 raised through Ventnor Skatepark Art Auction

Ventnor Skatepark’s Big Art Auction, which came to an end at midnight on Saturday 28th November, has raised a whopping £3,600.

The auction, the second this year, was organised to raise money for Ventnor Skatepark’s 12-month £50,000 fundraising challenge.

Artists from on and off the Isle of Wight donated works of art for art lovers to bid on over a three-week period. Such was the interest, the bidding went frenetic near the end of the auction, crashing the site temporarily.

BatBoy sold for £500
The most raised by any one piece of work was £507 for Craig Davison’s signed original, BatBoy.

If you won an item, don’t forget to arrange payment and collection if picking up yourself from Wight Trash shop in Ryde High Street.

Well done to all involved. This was a great opportunity for Islanders to grab some unique pieces of art, whilst helping raise money for the excellent project to build a concrete skatepark on the seafront.