Pappa Clip: Happy Birthday Your Royalty

This letter, reprinted from the Midland Evening Peripheral, was sent in by Pappa Clip. Ed

Pappa Clip: Happy Birthday Your RoyaltyFrom Mrs Anney Wincer, Coronation Flats, Gloomsborough

Dear Sirs,

I just had to write in and express my admiration for the Princess Royal, Anne, on the occasion of her birthday.

As an only child, orphaned during the Irish troubles I have always taken comfort in reading about the Royal Family.

And I have especially admired Anne, with her love of horses. I myself always wanted a pet. A horse was something I could never aspire to myself,of course, but I would love to have had a dog. A mongrel would do.

Unfortunately the Council won’t allow pets in the block of flats where I live. And the cat I used to put out milk for disappeared one day,I don’t know where it went. Never mind though – I’ve always been able to console myself by following The Princess and the horses she so obviously loves.

I’ve often wondered – does she groom them herself? I bet she does.

And I do so admire the way she’s brought up her fine children. Such nice manners. I had a boy once, but he got killed in a knife fight some time ago. It wasn’t in the papers because there was the Iraq war on and that was obviously more important to write about.

But I like to think he would have turned out like your young one.
I hope you had a nice birthday my Lady. I did. I treated myself to a cream bun and the lady next door put a birthday card through my letterbox, so that was nice.

I didn’t actually eat my bun on my birthday because that happened to fall on one of my no-meals days. But it was all the better for waiting.

I hope you don’t mind me saying, be sure to keep warm now you’re getting on a bit. It’s so easy to catch a chill just sitting and when the meter runs out.

I’ll just finish by saying, Happy Birthday and many more of them, Anne. I hope those nasty politicians who keep on about cutting your income don’t get their way. It would be just awful if you had to sell your horse.

Image: hfb under CC BY 2.0