Patrick Joyce: Proposed £1m School Saving Only Equals £50 Per Pupil

Patrick Joyce: Proposed £1m School Saving Only Equals £50 Per PupilIn our conversation with Patrick Joyce yesterday, VentnorBlog learnt a number of interesting points about the proposed changes to schooling on the Island.

He told us that the council is saying that they hope to make one million pounds worth of saving if they close at least 22 of the Island Primary Schools.

The sobering revelation was that with approximate 19-20,000 pupils currently in the Island education system, this £1m would only equate to roughly £50 per pupil.

In the words of Cllr Joyce, that’s “not going to make an iota of difference to the education of that child,” he continued, “that £50 would be used up in administration, but actually improving the academic ability of that child is most unlikely.” [audio:]