Pennyfeathers revised :

Your chance to hear Pennyfeathers developer present plans to town council

Residents concerned about the proposed Pennyfeathers planning application for 900+new homes will have a chance to hear what Ryde town councillors think about it next week.

At last night’s Ryde Town Council planning committee, it was agreed the planning application for Pennyfeathers be deferred to a separate planning committee meeting.

Where and when
This meeting has been confirmed as taking place on the 22nd January 2015 at Ryde Methodist Church, Garfield Road, Ryde starting at 6pm.

As well as having your say, there’ll be a presentation by the proposers of the Development (Mr Glen Hepburn) and you’ll be able to hear members of the RTC planning committee consider the application.

The Town Council are are Statutory Consultees and not the final decision makers. That falls at the feet of the Isle of Wight planning committee – we’ll let you know when that meeting comes up too.

Have your say online
Full details of the application can be found on the council’s Website. The consultation period runs until 30th January 2015.

Thanks to clerk, Tracy Reynolds, for lerting OnTheWight readers know about the meeting.

Image: © Farrell Design Studio

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