Ventnor Photographers Galore

There’s been a good initial response to the request for more up-to-date images of Ventnor for the Town Council Website. Most of the entries so far, have come from members of the VentnorBlog Flickr Group. Flickr is an online area where you can store and display your photos. It has a huge community with many groups and ‘pools’, and the thumbnails that you see in the right hand column are all images randomly selected from the VentnorBlog Flickr Group.

One of my all time favourites, is this brilliant photo taken by Dave from VentnorGraphic. He was on a walk down from Ventnor to St Lawrence and came across this chap with his dog and falcon.

The contrast and composition are great. If you happen to recognise the chap, do let him know about the photo, as I’m sure he’d love to buy a print.

If you want to join the Flickr Group all you have to do is become a member of Flickr first, then send a request to join the VentnorBlog Pool.