Police officer operating a breath test on a driver through the window-hq-width-1200px

Police increase patrols to enforce drink and drug driving laws during December

There is no excuse for drink or drug driving.

That’s the message from the Joint Operations Roads Policing Unit of Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary and Thames Valley Police, as officers target those driving while impaired throughout December as part of Operation Limit.

The campaign comes at a time of year when people will be out celebrating over the festive period.

All December there will be increased patrols and enforcement activity on our roads to target anyone choosing to drive after drinking and those still impaired the following morning after drinking.

Last December, 810 arrests were made in total across both forces.

Hart: No excuse for drink or drug driving
Chief Inspector Emma Hart, of the Joint Operations Roads Policing Unit, said,

“There is absolutely no excuse for drink or drug driving.

“Alcohol or drugs can seriously affect your ability to drive safely and are one of the ‘Fatal Four’ most common causes of deaths on our roads.

“You could lose your licence. You could be arrested and be sentenced to years behind bars. You could kill yourself or some other innocent person. It’s just not worth the risk.

“A fatal collision causes complete devastation to families, especially when it is caused by an impaired driver who could have just gotten a taxi home instead.

“We also want to remind people of how long alcohol and drugs can remain in your system.

“You may think you’re safe to drive the next morning, but you can still be impaired and if we catch you, you will be arrested.”

If you know someone is drink or drug driving call 999 if it is happening now. You can also provide information for a non-emergency by calling 101 or Crimestoppers.

News shared by Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary, in their own words. Ed