Police Pursuit Training On The Wight

We had several readers ask if we knew why there was a police stinger in Wootton earlier this week. This in from the police should answer the question. Ed

Police Pursuit Training On The WightA Hampshire Constabulary spokesman said: “A number of police officers have been taking part in training for vehicle pursuits on the Isle of Wight this week.

“The course is designed to teach the controlled and safe resolution of pursuits using the HOSTYDS (Hollow Spiked Tyre Deflation System) also known as a ‘stinger’.

“Hampshire Constabulary’s training is line with national police policy, and a bespoke course was devised for the specific challenges of roads on the island.

“The safety of other road users is of paramount importance during these training sessions. A qualified advanced police instructor was on board each vehicle taking part.”