Police Warning Over Illegal Party Plans for Halloween

This in from the Police, in their own words. Ed

Halloween raversPolice are issuing a fresh warning to anyone planning illegal outdoor parties on the Isle of Wight for the Halloween weekend.

Officers from the island’s police licensing team are making enquiries into reports of unlicensed music events being prepared for later this week.

Decisive enforcement action can be
taken against unlicensed raves

Isle of Wight Police Licensing Sergeant Mark Voller said: “We hope people going out for Halloween can have a good time safely and avoid the risks of becoming involved in crime and disorder.

“From time to time police receive information about planned illegal outdoor parties or ‘raves’. It is timely to warn that decisive enforcement action can be taken against anyone involved in organising an unlicensed rave. Where entertainment is provided for the public, a premises licence under the Licensing Act is necessary. Certain smaller scale events may be held under a temporary event notice.”

Prison sentence and fine
“Because rave events cause nuisance, disruption and environmental damage, the penalties are severe. Anyone who carries on an unlicensed ‘rave’, or who allows such an activity, is liable to imprisonment for six months and fined up to £20,000. In addition to our powers under the Licensing Act, police can in certain circumstances seize vehicles and sound equipment and prevent partygoers gathering.

“Organisers of legal events must take steps to prevent crime and disorder, ensure public safety and the protection of young people, and to minimise nuisance to others. To make personal gain, the individuals behind illegal events avoid these obligations; it follows that a safe environment cannot be assured for anyone at an illegal rave.

“To ensure public safety and to prevent public nuisance, we will intervene to stop these events wherever possible, and take enforcement action against the organisers.

“Anyone planning to hold an outdoor party event may seek advice from the police licensing unit as to the legal position.”

The Isle of Wight Police Licensing Unit at Jubilee Stores on Newport Quay can be contacted by phoning 101.

Image: efnnayr under CC BY 2.0

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