Binstead Stepping Stones Pre-School received a visit from Ofsted last month, the first since the pre-school was rated ‘Outstanding’ in 2008.
The inspector found the provision at the pre-school to ‘Inadequate’.
It gave the following reasons for the rating:
- The setting has not followed procedures to ensure all children are safe and protected from harm.
- Records to demonstrate that all staff are suitable to work with children are incomplete.
However, many strengths were also highlighted:
- The quality of teaching is good. Children’s learning is supported by practitioners who have a good knowledge and understanding of how children learn.
- The children enjoy warm relationships with dedicated staff.
- The managers have a clear vision for the pre-school and plans to improve the learning environment even further are in place.
- Information regarding children’s learning and development is regularly shared between parents and the pre-school. Parents are highly positive about the care their children receive.
- Support for children with additional needs is effective. The pre-school works closely with local schools to ensure that good arrangements are in place to help children settle in when they move onto school.
- Monitoring of the quality of teaching and the educational programme ensures that quality of practice is constantly reviewed.
The report
For full details see the report below.
Image: hansel5569 under CC BY 2.0