Bishop Erik Varden

Quarr Abbey hosts a weekend with Bishop Erik Varden: Talks, dinner, and books

Bishop Erik Varden will be signing his acclaimed books (The Shattering of LonelinessEntering the Twofold Mystery, & Chastity) at Quarr Abbey Bookshop at 11am on Saturday 29th June.

All are welcome – just turn up. 

Complementary events
The evening before (28th June) he will be giving an after dinner speech following a meal at 6pm and on Monday 1st July at 10.30am he will be giving a talk entitled “Can literature save lives? On the Power of the Word.”

These last two events need to be booked online, but only the meal event needs to be paid for. 

Erik Varden is a monk and bishop, born in Norway in 1974. In 2002, after ten years at the University of Cambridge, he joined Mount Saint Bernard Abbey in Leicestershire, where he was elected abbot.

Pope Francis named him bishop of Trondheim in 2019.

His website has a wide international readership.

News shared by Father Luke on behalf of Quarr Abbey. Ed

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