Quay Arts

Quay Arts apply to extend licensing hours

Members of the public have had their say on a 28 day consultation into a change of licensing hours at Quay Arts Centre in Newport.

The arts centre is applying to extend the hours that performances, whether live or recorded can run until, as well as the supply of alcohol

If approved, the venue could remain open until 1.30am with alcohol being served until 1am.

Objection from neighbours
Nearby residents have lodged their objections to the application, citing an increase in noise and disturbance as major factors.

Police felt there was no reason to believe crime and disorder would be an issue and wouldn’t seek to place restrictions on what they call a “well performing premises such as the Quay Arts Centre”.

Members of the licensing sub-committee will consider the application on Monday 9th December.

Image: © Used with permission of Rook4 – Malc Attrill