Rapanui Clothing Launches 2009 Graphic Art Competition

Rapanui Clothing Launches 2009 Graphic Art CompetitionOur friends over at Rapanui have just launched another design competition and are keen for all you Island designers and creatives to get busy with your artistic skills.

Rob and Mart tell us that having Eve Ottaway (a recent fashion technology graduate) on the Rapanui design team now has brought new blood and new ideas to the brand.

So much so, that they have tasked Eve with sourcing new designs for the 2010 Collection.

Eve has been working her little socks off developing a national program to encourage students to get involved and we hear has been up to her neck in entries since.

Good news for our readers is that the competition is not just open to students.

Rob explains:

“We felt at first that the student population was a great way to source new artwork, the universities and art colleges of the UK are brimming with talent. The students get the opportunity to work with a global brand and we get access to the hottest talent.”

The response has been amazing, but the lads want to give talented creatives on the Island a chance to take part too.

Mart joined in by saying “When we thought about the possibilities to expand the competition it seemed like perfect sense to move things globally, so that is what we’ve done!”

So if you fancy seeing your designs in the Rapanui 2010 Collection get in touch with eve[at]rapanuiclothing.com for further details and a design brief.

The deadline for the entries is 10th May 2009 so you’d better get a move on.

For more information check out the Rapanui website