Royal George Memorial Garden

Reassurances given over disturbance of possible burial ground

As part of the ongoing major flood prevention work being carried out by Southern Water in Ryde, Clancy Docwra have begun clearing vegetation at the Royal George Memorial Garden.

As explained in our report from last November concerns about a possible burial ground were raised at a Ryde Town Council meeting.

HMS Royal George Shipwreck
It was suggested there could be human remains of sailors and passengers from the shipwreck of HMS Royal George buried in the Memorial Garden, where a new underground stormwater storage tank is planned.

Steve Knight from Clancy Docwra was able to reassure councillors that processes are in place should any bones be discovered when digging in the area.

He added that the County Archaeologist was also very much aware of the project and monitoring the site.

“Unlikely remains will be found”
Cllr Whittle said he believed the remains were buried elsewhere and not at the memorial garden. Mr Knight assured the councillors that should any bones be found, the relevant licences would be applied for.

It was also reported that any remains discovered would be dealt with sensitively and given a proper Christian burial.

A spokesman from Southern Water confirmed to OnTheWight this afternoon,

“This is a memorial garden and not a burial ground – it is therefore unlikely that any remains would be found during our essential flood relief work.

“Work has begun on site to clear vegetation but digging won’t start for a few more weeks.

“If any remains are found, work will be suspended and the Isle of Wight Council informed.

“The underground tank we are installing will store excess water at times of heavy rain so that it can be pumped away for treatment after water levels have subsided – reducing the risk of sewer flooding in the area.”

Image: © Google Streetview