Recycle Your Christmas Cards at the YMCA

Recycle Your Christmas Cards at the YMCAIf you’re starting to think about taking down the Christmas cards and wondering what to do with them, read on.

Don’t just throw them away, why not donate them to the YMCA at Winchester House who are collecting unwanted new and used Christmas cards from the local community up until the end of January.

They plan to reuse the cards as part of the Mini Green Festival, an educational environmental awareness weekend for young people which takes place on Saturday 7th February.

The re-made Christmas cards will then be donated to local charities that wish to raise their own funds. And so, this project also aims to build links with young people and the Islands local charities.

Cards can now be donated to Winchester House, Sandown Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, P037 6HU or The Rural Community Council Volunteer Centre office, 3 Langley Court, Pyle Street, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 1LA.

Image: WordRidden