Has Island Roads really reopened Undercliff Drive? Confusion over suggested diversion route (updated)
14, July 2008·1 min readGuy Page Trio: Bandstand ReviewA lovely afternoon was had by all yesterday, as we enjoyed a picnic in Ventnor Park whilst Island musicians, The...
17, June 2008·1 min readIsle of Wight Festival: A Pocketful of ReviewsA roundup of the festival reviews
4, June 2008·1 min readRock ‘n’ Roll Revolution: – A ReviewMany thanks to Keith Wolton our ticket competition winner for sending in this review of Saturday night’s Rock ‘n’ Roll...
3, June 2008·1 min readRockPool: ReviewWe weren’t able to get along to the recent RockPool event at the Ventnor Winter Gardens, but were pleased to...
3, April 2008·1 min readIsle of Wight Festival Makes Number 8 in Top 10 ListVirtual Festivals, one of the most comprehensive websites related to festivals in the UK and abroad has recently compiled their...
2, April 2008·2 min readEco-Island Conference: What Jack ThoughtLast week Simon chatted with American writer and poet, Jack Tupac Pennington who had walked all the way from Ventnor...
20, March 2008·1 min readPapa George At The Ventnor Winter Gardens: ReviewWhat colour means a great night out? Blue of course. A great Blues night, well, Amen Promotions did arrange it....
19, February 2008·2 min readShanklin Freak Show Album Launch: ReviewThanks to Roger Regular, who is once again sharing his experience of music at Ryde Theatre. Ed Shanklin Freak Show,...
7, February 2008·1 min readIan Siegal: ReviewMany thanks to music lover, Roger Regular for sending in this review of last weeks Bluesroom event at The Venue...
6, February 2008·2 min readThe Hearing @ The Studio #2Looks like our Thom wasn’t that impressed with the stage presence of last weeks bands. He’s certainly honest in his...
31, January 2008·1 min readPlatform One – The HearingWe’d like to welcome Thom Gannaway, a student at Platform One, on to our list of VentnorBlog contributors. Each week,...
11, January 2008·2 min readLive/Wired First Round: ReviewMany thanks to VentnorBlog reader Luigi Forrester, who sent in this review of Wednesday’s night’s CP/Platform One Live/Wired battle. If...