By the time you reach the end of Jonathan's review of last Saturday's Isle of Wight Symphony Orchestra concert, you'll be reaching for the phone to book tickets for the next one.
By the time you reach the end of Jonathan's review of last Saturday's Isle of Wight Symphony Orchestra concert, you'll be reaching for the phone to book tickets for the next one. If you do, you'll find out why he raves so much about them.
Tuesday night saw the very first Rubble Club event - organised by Chalkpit Records and opening the Ventnor Fringe Festival - take place at a secret venue. It went down a storm and more are planned for later in the year.
Not for the faint-hearted, the Lunar Hex marked a zombie apocalypse last Saturday night in Ryde. Survivors were treated to an evening of Gorelesque Burlesque, live music, spoken word, drag and lots of glitter.
The Isle of Wight Symphony Orchestra outdid themselves in the final concert of the season. Jonathan Dodd is still on a high from the experience and tells us why.
Singers with the Voices of the Isle of Wight choir put on a great performance on Friday evening for the opening event of the Ryde Arts Festival. Read on to see impression they left on Jonathan Dodd.
If you haven't been to an Isle of Wight Symphony Orchestra concert yet, we highly recommend you try the next one in July. It's always an incredible experience, watching 70 musicians all perform live in front of you to a highly varied programme.
One of the wonderful things about the Isle of Wight Symphony Orchestra concerts is that they introduce you to music you might never have heard before. Such a thing happened at last week's concert. Find out what Jonathan Dodd thought of it.