Rich Hall Competition Winner Announced

Last week VB announced a competition to win, not only tickets to see a top comedian perform in Ventnor, but also invites to an exclusive Festival launch party.

Rich HallWe asked readers which Simpsons’ character was inspired by American comedian, Rich Hall.

Masses of entries flooded in over the four days and almost every person gave the correct answer, which was that Rich Hall was the inspiration for Simpsons’ bartender, Moe Szyslak.

All of the correct entries were placed in our virtual hat and the winner of two tickets to the Festival launch party (where Sheila Hancock will be speaking) and to see Rich Hall’s performance is …….

*** Julie Wilkins ***

Congratulations to Julie, we’ll be in touch via email about how to pick up your tickets.

Buy your tickets now!
If you weren’t lucky enough to win, get your tickets now by calling phone 01983 862 596 (10am until 4pm) or booking online.

Tickets are sure to sell out fast now the competition is over.

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