Prison bars

Rogue trader who targeted vulnerable pensioners imprisoned

The council share this latest news. Ed

Following a recent successful prosecution by Isle of Wight Council trading standards team, the Isle of Wight Council is reminding residents how to avoid being targeted by rogue traders.

Landscape gardener Henry Smith pleaded guilty to fraud and was sentenced to 18 weeks immediate imprisonment at Newport Crown court on 9 October 2017.

Mr Smith arrived from the mainland in September and targeted two elderly and vulnerable people. He cold-called at their door, carried out minimal gardening work, and then told them he immediately required £400 in cash, and a contract signed to a pay a total of £4,000.

Criminal Behaviour Order
Mr Smith received 18 weeks immediate custody, and was made subject to a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) – a first for the Isle of Wight Council. This order prevents him from calling at, visiting, or attending any property for the purpose of cold calling or any property for the purpose of carrying out gardening, landscaping or maintenance work without a pre-arranged appointment. Also he must inform the local police force and local authority trading standards service prior to commencing any paid gardening, landscaping or maintenance work in their area.

Cabinet member for community safety and public protection, Councillor Gary Peace, said:

“This is a demonstration of how the close working relationship between the council trading standards team and the police can result in a good court result.

“It also shows how important it is that members of the public report cold calling by traders as without the information being passed on to the enforcement authorities, we cannot take the necessary action to protect the vulnerable members of the Island community.”

Be vigilant of doorstep traders
Regulatory and community safety manager, Amanda Gregory, said:

“The simple message from trading standards is to always say no to any traders offering to carry out work who unexpectedly turn up on your doorstep. Although doorstep crime is not widespread on the Isle of Wight, people should always be vigilant. I would like to express our thanks to the vigilant carers who brought the matter to our attention.

“A custodial sentence is rarely given in cases of this nature and I hope this will act as a good deterrent for an issue which still seems to be on the increase. The use of the CBO is a first for this type of offence on the Island and sends a strong message that cold calling of this nature will not be tolerated.”

Tops tips to avoid rogue traders
Rogue traders are individuals or groups of people who cold-call householders, often targeting vulnerable residents, claiming to be a legitimate business and offering goods or services, most commonly buildings maintenance and repair.

  • NEVER pay upfront to cold callers.
  • If you require work to be carried out at your home, try to obtain at least two written quotes.
  • Check the Trading Standards’ trader approval scheme, where local traders are vetted for compliance with consumer legislation, at
  • Please be vigilant for your elderly or vulnerable neighbours.
  • Report your concerns to the Police or the Trading Standards Service hotline on (01983) 823371.

For further information on the councils’ Isle of Wight Trader Approval Scheme, please contact (01983) 823371 or look at the Website.

Image: Trishalyn under CC BY 2.0

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